Ongoing Workshop on University Teaching of Hebrew Language 2024: Innovations in the Teaching of the Hebrew Language

A series of monthly online meetings

The first meeting on 21.05.24


Workshop coordinator: Dr. Judith Golan Ben-Uri


Considering the situation in Israel and to maintain connections within the community of Hebrew teachers in different parts of the world, we are proud to announce a new format for the Hebrew Language Workshop for the year 2024.


A. The format

Instead of a week-length workshop during summer, we will meet once a month for an hour and a half, on Tuesdays in the middle of the month between 21:00 and 19:30 (Israel time) for synchronous meetings that will not be recorded.

The unifying theme for these meetings is "Innovations in the Teaching of the Hebrew Language", on its various aspects: digital and didactic innovations. We will host guest lecturers and discuss dilemmas from the everyday life of teaching Hebrew.

Participation is open to both academy and high school teachers. Participants taking part in 75% of the meetings will receive a certificate of participation on behalf of the Center for Teaching Jewish Civilization of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The sessions will be held in Hebrew, free of charge. 


B. The topics of the meetings


Digital innovation:

  • Incorporation of reverse teaching in face-to-face courses
  • Teaching through a digital course
  • Useful digital tools in Hebrew lessons
  • Use of artificial intelligence in Hebrew lessons

Didactic innovation:

  • Reading instruction
  • Teaching writing
  • Vocabulary teaching
  • The difference between teaching a second language and teaching a foreign language.

Tangent topics with guest lecturers:

  • Discussion about what is happening in Israel and how to mediate it to students abroad.
  • Brain research and its link to language acquisition
  • Encouraging motivation to learn


  • The balance between standard language and spoken language.



The upcoming meetings and their topics:


Date Time Title Lecturer



The Ministry of Immigration and Absorption's digital course for teaching Hebrew to Russian speakers: introduction and ways to integrate it into teaching

Dr. Judith Golan Ben-Uri




Artificial intelligence in Hebrew teaching: pros and contras and how to incorporate it into practice in lessons

Michael Kisluk




Vocabulary teaching: between theory and practice

Dr. Judith Golan Ben-Uri




What can a teacher offer? The added value of a teacher in the mostly digital environment.

Naomi Oren




Writing in Hebrew lessons: how to make this task friendlier for both teachers and students

Dr. Judith Golan Ben-Uri




The request to join the meetings should be sent to the center's email:


In your email, we will be happy to receive brief information about you, including your first and last name, place of work (university, school), professional experience in teaching Hebrew, and why you wish to join the workshop.


If you have questions about the workshop program or would like to suggest topics for future discussions, you can contact Dr. Judith Golan Ben-Uri, email: